There are currently 30 YSS Alumni in this directory beginning with the letter I.
Ibnu Azizulloh
YSS0878 | Indonesia | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Pusa, Betong, Sarawak 2018
Iffah Munirah Binti Mohd Hafiz
YSS1984 | KKKL | IWK: Misi Sukarelawan Siswa ke Belaga, Kapit, Sarawak 2024
Ignatius Mackerry Anak Naky
YSS0656 | UNIMAS | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission GSVC to Vietnam 2017
Ikram Bin Dahlan
YSS0723 | UMS | YSS-KKN Joint Students Volunteer Mission to Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Bangka Belitung Province, Replubic of Indonesia 2018
Ila Nurmaisara Binti Rozaini
YSS0608 | UMK | YSS-International Students Volunteer Mission to Sipitang, Sabah 2017
Ilham Rizky Ghozali
YSS0859 | Indonesia | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Pusa, Betong, Sarawak 2018
Imaduddin Khalil Bin Shamsul Bahkain
YSS1168 | UTM | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Mukah, Sarawak 2019
Imam Suyudi
YSS0840 | Indonesia | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Sebauh, Bintulu, Sarawak 2018
Iman Farhan Bin Sulaiman
YSS1232 | UiTM PG | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Matu, Sarawak 2019
Iman Fatihah Binti Zul Majid
YSS1868 | POLISAS | IWK: Misi Sukarelawan Siswa ke Kota Belud, Sabah 2024
Inosanto, Angelica Jasmin Ramos
YSS0802 | Philippines | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Sebauh, Bintulu, Sarawak 2018
Intan Atikah Binti Abd Razak
YSS0697 | IPGKDA | YSS-MoES Students Volunteer Mission to Santhong, Lao PDR 2017
Intan Noor Diana Binti Abdul Halim Shah
YSS1672 | POLIPD | IWK: Misi Sukarelawan Siswa ke Kota Marudu, Sabah 2023
Intan Shafinaz Binti Mohd Nizam
YSS1271 | UMT | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Beluru, Sarawak 2019
Iqbal Hakimi Bin Mohammad Feirdaus
YSS1771 | UTEM | IWK: Misi Sukarelawan Siswa ke Kanowit, Sarawak 2023
Iqbal Ismat Bin Nordin
YSS0002 | UPM | 1st YSS Students Volunteer Mission to Vietnam 2012,
YSS Students Volunteer Mission to Kampung Beradek, Santubong, Sarawak 2014.
Irdina Batrisyia Binti Riza Adami
YSS0542 | UNITEN | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Bekenu, Miri, Sarawak 2017
Ishvinder Singh A/L Mamanmohan Singh
YSS0032 | MMU | YSS Students Volunteer Mission to Kampung Beradek, Santubong, Sarawak 2014
Ismail Bin Abd Hakim
YSS1351 | UNITEN KSHAS | YSS-MoES Students Volunteer Mission to Vientiane, Lao PDR 2019
Iwana Putri Binti Guntor Putra
YSS1619 | UIAM | YSS Students Volunteer Mission to Beluran, Sabah 2022
Izmawati Binti Sodding
YSS0727 | UniSZA | YSS-KKN Joint Students Volunteer Mission to Kabupaten Belitung Timur, Bangka Belitung Province, Replubic of Indonesia 2018
Izza Syaheera Binti Ahmed Farikh
YSS1408 | KKKL | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Pitas, Sabah 2019
Izzah Atirah Binti Mohd Fadhil
YSS1056 | UPM | YSS-ASEAN Students Volunteer Mission to Semporna, Sabah 2018
Izzan Rafidah Binti Ahmad Rafaie
YSS0071 | UiTM Sarawak | YSS Students Volunteer Mission to Kampung Maludam, Batang Lupar, Sarawak 2014